The last few years have caused a seismic shift in the way we work. Remote working has firmly established itself as part of our normal working lives. It’s no longer a perk, it’s an expectation. But with that has come an increased pressure on firms to embed the necessary technology to make it happen.

It’s a pressure that’s going to continue and will create a tech-first approach. Or at least it should create a tech-first approach. Without the necessary technology, both in terms of delivery and also knowledge, the remote revolution will stall. For today’s workers that’s not an option.

The demand for remote working isn’t going anywhere, but what is has done is open a door for a future that prioritises technology and puts it at the very heart of every business.

The remote revolution

5 years ago remote working was an exception. It was something that happened in an emergency or as a one-off. Today 50% of workers work remotely at least some of the time. In 10 years time, it won’t even be a discussion - it’ll just be work, not remote work.

It’s clear that the pandemic was a pivotal moment for many firms in their adoption of remote working. But since then expectations of workers have changed. Research by McKinsey found 87% of workers would take the chance to work remotely.

While the debate about the ratio of home working vs remote continues, firms still need to be looking ahead at how they build remote working into their strategies, and what technology they need to seamlessly work, regardless of location. Because it’s the technology we have now that’s facilitated this situation and it’s the technology that’s to come which will embed it in our lives going forward.

Accelerated adoption of technology

The success of remote working comes down to the accelerated adoption of technology by firms. It’s not just fast broadband and the latest apps, it’s about technology that fuels communication, collaboration and productivity.

For the remote revolution to continue and stablise, firms will need to think in more detail about what technology they need to create a streamlined way of working. Any businesses that don’t focus on bringing their tech and systems up to speed will almost certainly fall behind. Perhaps not through their outputs, but through their ability to attract and retain the top talent.

But it’s not enough alone to have the technology in place. Leaders will need to know how to fluently use these systems and platforms and integrate them into their management styles. Ensuring remote workers feel supported and empowered to do their jobs in an increasingly devolved style.

Embracing new technologies

Technology is the enabler of the remote revolution and it will continue to play that role. For businesses, that means keeping an eye on new technologies and bringing them into play when appropriate.

Right now firms should be looking at AI-enhanced tools and how they can be used to predict market trends, offer insights into team dynamics and track project progress. There’s a nervousness around AI and the threat it brings, but there are also tremendous opportunities to harness its power.

Utilising new technologies should be about improving processes, streamlining ways of working and overcoming obstacles faced by not being physically in the same space. For businesses that are committed to remote working in the long-term embracing technology is essential to their success.

Choosing the right tech stack

With so many different technology options available it’s not always easy to find the right one. When it comes to choosing the right tech stack, quality over quantity is definitely advisable. Start with identifying what issues or roadblocks there are and then research the options available.

Including your workers in the discussions to ensure that they’re voice and concerns are heard is a great engagement exercise.

The systems you should be looking to include in your tech stack are:

      Video conferencing


      Project management

      Cloud storage

For the vast majority of businesses this is uncharted territory. The majority had to adapt overnight and have fallen into ways of working. The challenge now is to make deliberate choices and transitions to tech-based solutions that support business growth and operations.

Technology will support remote working, and it’s only through investing in technological infrastructure that firms will be able to capitalise on the possibilities of the remote-revolution which is already upon us.

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